
Neck and back issues are among the most common conditions we treat here at OSPT. Within the past decade, there have been remarkable strides made in management of spinal conditions. The most notable progress has been with respect to evidence-based research allowing us to select more optimal treatment methods based on a patient's particular history, clinical signs, and behavior of symptoms related to movement dysfunction.

The key to treatment is to select the most optimal treatment option for an individual based on their particular clinical presentation. A common mistake is to attempt to treat all patients the same. For example spinal manipulation is an effective tool which we utilize, however, it is not effective for every patient. Some patients have loose joints or damaged ligaments and connective tissue and while manipulation may provide some relief of symptoms, it can further contribute to joint laxity/instability.

We utilize an advanced classification system based on specific clinical signs, behavior of symptoms, and history of condition. Depending on the specific patient presentation, the most promising results have been shown with either Spinal Stabilization Exercises, Spinal Manipulation, Specific Directional Movement and Spinal Traction. The classification system we use is the most inclusive method devised and has been found to be more useful, reliable, and yield better outcomes.

At OSPT, we utilize a comprehensive evidence-based approach to not only reduce pain, spasm and improve movement but also address the underlying issue, as to reduce the chance of the problem recurring.