Manual Therapy

Specialized Hands on Techniques to Improve Myofascial & Joint Mobility & Movement

What is Orthopedic Manual Physical Therapy?

Orthopedic manual physical therapy is a specialization within physical therapy with advanced training in musculoskeletal anatomy, biomechanics, specific exercises, body mechanics, ergonomics & manual therapy techniques including myofascial release, joint mobilization and manipulation. Dr. Teixeira completed a 2 year post graduate training program for study and advanced training in orthopedic manual therapy.

Manual Techniques Utilized at OSPT

  • Joint Mobilization/Manipulation
  • Acupressure
  • Myofascial Release
  • Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization (IASTM)
  • Muscle Energy
  • Positional Release
  • Mobilization with Movement
  • Neurodynamic Stretches/Glides

Is Orthopedic Manual Physical Therapy Effective?

Studies have demonstrated better outcomes with lower back, neck, shoulder and knee conditions when administered by physical therapists with post-graduate training in orthopedic manual therapy versus more traditional physical therapy.

Orthopedic Manual Physical Therapy is effective for several reasons:

  1. Treatment is based on a detailed evaluation including posture, specific muscle length and strength, range of motion, segmental joint mobility testing, palpation, reflexes, sensation, and gait analysis, coupled with a detailed history of your condition, functional outcome measures, and review of any imaging tests (e.g. X-rays, MRI).
  2. It combines the best of both active and passive treatments. Passive treatments (done to someone) such as myofascial release, muscle energy, and joint manipulation , when used properly, are very effective tools. But, you also need the active treatments (patient actively participating) to restore strength, motor control, and functional muscle synergy (which are reduced when one has ongoing pain & muscle spasm). The reason orthopedic manual therapy is so effective is that it utilizes the appropriate manual techniques to free up restricted muscle, fascia and joints, but also includes specific exercises, and body mechanics to restore muscle and joint function.
  3. Treatments are very specific. With an emphasis on functional anatomy and biomechanics, the cornerstone of orthopedic manual therapy is to apply specific movements (active and passive), in a specific direction, for a specific duration. This specificity, allows one to target the appropriate tissues and get the best results.

A Few Words About "Techniques" and Results

As you visit our website or our clinic you will notice that we offer quite a wide array of techniques and methods. At OSPT, we stay current on the latest research and techniques to maximize results. New and advanced techniques are certainly helpful but it is the selection and specific application of techniques which really makes a difference in terms of results. The human body is extremely complex and striving for best practice rehabilitation is truly an art and a science.